Indicator Organisms
The MicroSnap™ collection of indicator organism tests feature Hygiena’s patented Snap-Valve™ technology and work with the EnSURE™ Touch and SureTrend Cloud environmental monitoring system. Optional enrichment broths are available for large-volume testings and milk products. Total Viable Count, Enterobacteriaceae, Coliform E. coli tests for food and surfaces.  Applications include raw material testing (screen for microbiological contamination), environmental monitoring (test environmental surfaces and equipment for bacterial results of plant hygiene) and finished product testing (verify microorganism levels).


Applications: Rapid Microbial Testing, MicroSnap Devices


MicroSnap® rapid micro-organism testing devices address the need for fast, same-day results with an easy-to-use test.

Compared to traditional culturing methods, MicroSnap® devices are able to detect a larger dynamic range for flexibility in a variety of applications. Since results are received faster, critical control points can be monitored and environmental contamination can be averted or minimised, improving food safety.

The MicroSnap® testing platform consists of an enrichment device with a specific bacterial growth medium and a bioluminogenic (light-producing) detection device. When the specific micro-organism is found, light is emitted and measured with Hygiena’s EnSURETM Touch luminometer. Hygiena’s SureTrend software stores and tracks the results for further analysis.

The MicroSnap’s user-friendly design has a patented Snap-Valve that holds a precise amount of a specific enrichment broth, ready to be snapped open and used for product or surface samples. The enrichment device contains a built-in pipette for convenient transfer of the enriched sample to the detection device which gives final results after ten minutes, making the total testing time only about 8 hours.

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